bio // home // contact

by Sebastian Gonzalez Dixon

{ Immersive Transmedia Platform }

{ Teather Play / Performance }

La Baraja Solar
{ Interactive Tarot }

Product viewer
{ Augmented Reality Web }

{ Immersive Experience }

Feria del Millón
{ Virtual Art Gallery }

Delirium Fields
{ Electronic devices }

DomeLab for Hybris
{ Icosphere Mapping Software }

Big Data Wall
{ Interactive Kiosk }

Audiovisual contents
{ Video and Motiongraphics }

Mobile Apps
{ Games, Utilities, Catalogues }

{ Web and Audiovisual Content }

Augmented Stage
{ Projection Mapping / Motiongraphics }

Lumen Club
{ House Music Project }

Living Lines
{ Opensource Drawing Software for Stage }

{ Dance and Technology Performance }

Land as Resource
{ Interactive map – Museum Installation }

XPO JovenEs
{ Interactive Hologram }

{ Theme park Installation }

Bogota, Memory City
{ Body Interactive Map }

ChromoSoma Project
{ Audio Reactive Videos }

Mining World
{ Theme Park at Children Museum }

Kaeser APP
{ Digital Toolbox for Mobiles }

Virtual Puppets Theater
{ Story Telling Interactive }

Nissan at the Car Exposhow
{ Interactive Experiences }

viLand: The viBots Factory
{ Immersive Experience }

{ Interactive Experiences – Company }

Sounding Score
{ Musical interactive installation }
by Alba Fernanda Triana

Identity School of Digital Arts
{ Digital Arts Teacher }

Wide Screen Projection
{ Pacific Rubiales Energy }

Augmented Reality
{ Interactive Catalogue – Virtual mirror }

Bouncing Sunset
{ Immersive Installation }

{ Augmented Reality – Catalogue }

La Salle – Park 2.0
{ Interactive Stage – Launch event }

Interactive body game
{ Hamelin Capsule }

Ona: Body Loops
{ Interactive installation }

Interactive Window
{ Games at the street }

{ Short Film }

{ Catalogue interface – 3D Gesture Tracking }

{ Audiovisual Intelligent Machine }

{ Body and Sound Installation }

Multimedia eBook
{ Interactive CD-ROM }

{ Short Film – SciFi }

Cian Setian
{ Music production }

Electronic Gamelan
{ Interactive musical instrument }
by Alba Fernanda Triana

Natural Photography
{ Web Site – Photo Portfolio }

Es con E
{ Interactive Dance Performance }

Interactive Stages

Dance + Media
{ Fundación Espacio Cero }

{ Dance performance – interactive scenography }

Cultive su cacao
{ Augmented Reality Game }

Sala Situacional de Salud de Bogota
{ Infrastructure Project }

SETianWorks 1.0
{ Interactive Arts – Computer Vision }

aparato golgi
{ Digital Rock Band }

La Hoz – Origen del Tiempo
{ Rock Band }

© 2024

by Setian - © - Sebastian Gonzalez Dixon